The Science Education Community in the CSU is a community of members-CSU faculty, K-12 Science Teachers throughout California, K-12 Administrators, interested Legislators and of particular importance Preservice through Induction year science teachers including undergraduate and credential students and those in their first three years of teaching science.
The Science Education Community in the CSU is based upon the concept of a “teaching commons” whereby the community of California’s K-12 Science Teachers and university Science Teacher Educators advance and promote the scholarship of teaching and learning science through sharing of ideas, practices, and information, and resources.
California K-12 science teachers and CSU faculty engaged in the training of future science teachers can access high quality, peer reviewed teachable lessons and related online resources made available through the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) at MERLOT provides K-12 Science Teachers and university Science Teacher Educators an opportunity to “publish” online, to develop comprehensive personal collections of valuable resources, and to make contributions to this growing digital library.
Language-arts adds power to the science curriculum. Click here to find out what you can do to reinforce language-arts skills in your science classrooms with this resource-laden site.
The Khan Academy contains over 2,100 videos and 100 self-paced exercises and assessments, with the majority in mathematics and science. Science areas covered include a wide range of topics in high school biology, physics, and chemistry (including AP), as well as organic chemistry and cosmology and astronomy.
This site is available thanks to the hard work of educators throughout the State. Click here to learn how to contribute materials to this site and share your wisdom with your colleagues.
© 2007 California State University
Concept and design by the Center for Distributed Learning